WEEK 3 Greece and Rome Overview
Major Points
- Depictions of the human figure are emphasized and change throughout the various stylistic time periods as a reflection of the philosophies of the time.
- As the Greeks lean towards the philosophy of humanism, particularly in the Classical Period, the Greek desire for perfection is reflected in the art and architecture.
- Although the architecture of the Roman temples was strongly influenced by Greek temples, there are some distinct differences. The Romans will also use the arch and invent concrete, and that will further differentiate their architecture from that of the Greeks.
- There will also be differences in the function and purpose of Roman architecture from that of Greek architecture. Roman architecture, and even Roman sculpture, often promoted a political agenda.
- Realistic depictions dominate in Roman sculpture and even Hellenistic Greek sculpture, whereas idealism is dominate in Classical Greek works.
Time Periods within Greek Art | Key Works | Other Works of Art |
Geometric: 1000-700 BCE | Geometric Krater Vase | |
Archaic: 700-480 BCE | New York Kouros | |
Classical: 480-300 BCE | Parthenon | Diadoumenos by Polykleitos |
Hellenistic 300 BCE-100 CE | Nike of Samothrace | Eros Sleeping |
Old Market Woman | ||
Dying Gaul | ||
Roman Art | Augustus Prima Porta | Temple of Portunus |
Arch of Titus | Column of Trajan | |
Pantheon | Colosseum | |
Global Perspectives | Life of Buddha frieze from Gandhara | |